11 thoughts on “Ten Years Ago Today…”

  1. God that’s insane. Way to keep up the quality work! I think I’ve been with you since 2012 on and off and it’s by far one of the most enjoyable reads I’ve come across. Looking forward to many more chapter from you Jim

    1. I’ve commented on here more than once about Jim needing to be careful. He’s not writing slowly, he’s writing well, and has sustained his output for ten years without any hiatus greater than a week or two for vacations. I’ve seen too many serials that were milled out in huge quantities when started, then petered out to the point the writer never came back online to even say he or she was quitting. Burnout’s a biotch. I prefer my favorite writers to keep an even pace and stick around for years.

  2. Yea you! Thank you for many pleasant hours. I reread the book Legion of Nothing just last week and was thinking about how much I have enjoyed this across the years.

  3. Gotta do it, the urge burns inside of me.

    10 years ago the world was formed. It all began from a tiny neuron firing in a brain that snowballed into a daydream into a story. It was this neuron that told us to vote.

  4. It may be a bit late to react but I’ve been following you since 2016 I think and it’s actually not that old but, fuck, you are awesome !

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