Some of you probably read Drew Hayes’ serial “Superpowereds.” Well, Drew’s on vacation this week and asked people to fill in. As it happens, I’m one of the people.
I wrote a new Legion of Nothing story to entertain people while he was gone and thought I’d pass it on to all of you that it exists.
In it Nick and Haley attempt to go on a date, but actually encounter that classic superhero scenario–the bank robbery.
I’d never figured out to imitate that texture.
add “how” after “out”
they weren’t going find pointing guns at people easy.
add “to” after “going”
I like Drew’s stories. I’ve seen a number of typos in his writing over the years, but I don’t want to have to register to leave a comment, so… I’ve never commented there.
I like your stories too, but I didn’t have to register just to comment. 🙂
Cheerio! 🙂
Thanks. I’ll correct the typos–if not on Drew’s site, on my own personal copy.
matching uniforms could also mean armored car personnel. They usually only come in one or two, especially in smaller branches, but it is just this side of plausible.
Sec Company in clown outfits is significantly more difficult to justify, however.
Sorry but I love the irony of he can use credit cards, After the bank robbery and getting cash. Perfect. =^_^=
I don’t know when I decided that that should be the ending, but it felt right when I got there. Honestly, it felt like the ending of a Spider-man comic—something that I’m fine with.
Under normal circumstances (the whole team), Legion doesn’t feel much like Spider-man to me, but as soon as I start bringing the group down to one or two people, it starts to.