Eventually, I finished signing all the papers. My hand didn’t hurt, but that was more of a surprise than an expectation.
When I signed the last one, I looked up, handed Dr. Hansen back his pen and asked, “I understand that you talked to friends in government about me, but what made me qualified for this? I mean, this is secret enough that only Dr. Strazinsky can read my internship reflection and that I have signed a mountain of papers saying that I won’t tell anybody about this except for people on my projects inside Higher Grounds or that have a top secret security clearance plus codewords that will be defined later.
“I’d be surprised if I have Top Secret clearance. I’m pretty sure they have to do some kind of investigation for that to even be possible. I’m not trying to get out of it or something, but it just seems too easy. You know what I mean?”
I hoped I hadn’t blown my cover there, but it seemed like a question a smart person who didn’t have the behind the scenes information I had might ask.
Dr. Hansen and Dr. Strazinsky looked at each other. Dr. Strazinsky spoke. “We had to move quickly to make sure you get into the program. If they did the kind of investigation that the FBI usually does, you might lose weeks out of the semester. They’ve done a quick one already. You don’t have much of a record, so they don’t need to do as much as if you’d been involved with anything illegal. I think they’ll continue investigating for a little while after everything starts, but you don’t have anything to worry about there.”
I wondered if the FBI brought in telepaths or even artificial telepaths. I’d seen agents wearing psi helmets before. Of course, given the Heroes’ League’s relationship with the FBI, they probably didn’t even investigate. They just told them they had.
“Okay.” I looked at each of them. Dr. Hansen kept on smiling the same confident smile. Dr. Strazinsky’s smile slipped and reformed.
In moments like that, I wished that I had telepathy.
“I guess I’ll go then. When does everything start?”
Dr. Strazinsky said, “Tomorrow at one. It’s on the top sheet of paper. Did you take that?”
I looked down at my hands. I had, but I’d forgotten to read it. I held it up and waved it so that I could see it. “Yep.”
He smiled for a second. “And you planned for a year-long internship, right? This one goes from September through to April of next year with the option of becoming a summer job if you both want that.”
I looked down at the piece of paper. It did say that. Anyway, I’d planned on a year-long internship this year and arranged my schedule accordingly. Aside from that, I knew I wasn’t going to do an internship there. I had another one planned through the Stapledon program and anyway, six months of deep cover would likely be as much as I could stand—assuming we didn’t destroy the company.
“That sounds great,” I told them, gave them another wave and walked out the door.
Once I was out in the lobby, it struck me as an odd way to leave. I hoped they didn’t think I was an idiot. On the other hand, if they thought of me as a smart guy with a way to go in social skills, it would make them less likely to suspect I was a spy.
If only that were acting.
* * *
Around 12:30pm, Vaughn and I stood next to the helipad at Hardwick Industries Grand Lake campus. They had a shiny glass and metal building on the edge of Grand Lake. It stood in the middle of five other shiny glass and metal buildings since this was Hardwick Industries world headquarters.
Vaughn’s lip twisted. “You know how I told you we’d use the jet? It turns out that the jet is only for special occasions like when most of the executive leadership goes up there. Most of the time, we’ll be riding the helicopter.”
“No problem. I’m not disappointed. I’ve been in jets before. I can even fly them.”
Vaughn laughed. “Yeah. No kidding. Don’t tell the pilot. He might be able to tell you know too much.”
I might have shushed him, but we were the only people standing on the green grass next to the pad.
As I wondered if I could continue the conversation without the two of us discussing stuff that shouldn’t be discussed in public, the helicopter appeared above one of the farther buildings.
Black with tan stripes running down the length of the chopper, the helicopter had a longer body and smaller windows than I’d have expected. I wondered if it were armored, but I didn’t see any sign of weapons. It interested me though, that whoever had bought it expected to be attacked.
I wondered if this was a general anxiety or if they had a specific idea of who they might be attacked by.
Soon, it landed in front of us. One of the doors opened and a man waved us to come inside.
The answer might be in there, I told myself, and Vaughn and I carried our backpacks across the helipad.
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“If only that were acting.”
I love social dumbness’ lemons made lemonade!
Nick seems to be very self-aware. He’s just not very socially aware of people around him. Actually, I’m surprised his inner musings don’t include more commentary of tactical evaluations such as how each person he encounters moves, apparent behavior, etc… Stuff I would have expected somebody like Lee to beat into him until it’s not even second nature, but innate. And after typing that last sentence, I think he’s not even consciously thinking about the tactics but probably responding unconsciously to how others act, the possible paths of escape, etc…
All of these seem like Nick telling a tale of his memoires. So some of his inner musings may be missed. That said a while ago a character with super observation noted that Nick moves like Lee. Always looking for danger.
Two typos:
1. “When I signed the one” — probably meant “last one”
2. “Vaughn and I stood on next to the helipad” — either “on” or “next to” was likely meant to be removed (and based on a later sentence in the text, it looks like “on” is incorrect)
Also, I’m with Angelo: “If only that were acting” is a wonderful bit, and makes Nick seem that much more accessible to the reader. Ahh, the power of honest self-deprecation.
How does a long body and small windows mean armoured? I could understand thicker. But long would mean built for speed to me.
Long body just means more room inside. Small windows means that they chose to increase the more easily armored part of the body at the expense of seeing outside as you can more effectively armor metal than glass.
Actually I think it’d more likely be hull ceramic if it became available after St. Louis (probably not). I think Nick blew his cover when he mentioned Vaughn in the previous post.
In that case living with Vaughn is also blowing his cover…
Lying about it would proably make things worse since his grandpa’s work for Hardwick Industries is public record.
And yeah Vaughn is staying with him so not talking about it or pretending not to know him wouldn’t work.
In Nick’s place I’d say “yeah, driving for an hour is a bummer… hey, I know this Hardwick guy from my dorm and before that from my school, Vaughn something, I think he also goes there, since it’s his family business, I’ll ask him nicely, maybe I can catch a ride. I bet this guy doesn’t drive there himself”. That should sound less planned. They way he said it looked like he planned this before the meeting (which he did).