I stared at the phone’s screen, trying to remember what Nick had told me about his design. He’d put the phones together last spring when we’d been facing the remnants of the Cabal. After a moment, I remembered everything.
Nick had used the the Defenders teams’ communication protocols for our communicators. They were based on protocols Grandpa designed, and they’d become a standard. It wasn’t much of a jump to guess that he’d designed them to work here too—especially when I remembered that Dixie Superman got lost and came through Infinity City to our world. Grandpa successfully visited Dixie Superman’s reality once, and he would have needed a way to get back.
I could easily see Nick throwing in a way to detect which reality we were in if he had access to Grandpa’s plans.
This was the best news I’d had in hours, and I might have screamed in relief—except I didn’t—and that was good, because as I floated there, another name appeared on the team list:
∞ Red Lightning
And that put a whole new spin on everything—what with Red Lightning having betrayed the original Heroes League, and being, well, dead.
Continue reading Rachel in Infinity City: Part 18 →