Category Archives: Arc 12.4.5: Underground Tower

Underground Tower: Part 2

Through my implant I heard Yoselin say, We’re here for your cousin. If you think you can draw their attention, I’ll try to get to her.

Sure, I thought back at her, wondering how she intended to do it.

Abominator tech, she thought back.

Which figured.

So it didn’t entirely surprise me when she then faded out of sight. To be fair, it wasn’t something I was expecting either. Continue reading Underground Tower: Part 2

Underground Tower: Part 1

A look down at the floor below us told me what I need to know, the human-sized tubes had cracked all over, shattering one entirely and the top half of the one next to it. The platform the tubes rested on had also cracked with electronics and wires falling out of it, some of them still smoking from when I hit them with my laser.

That was the good news. Continue reading Underground Tower: Part 1