Tag Archives: Jaclyn

In the Public Eye: Part 45

Only as I passed over the house did I realize that we didn’t have much of a plan. I was going to attack Future Knight and they were going to do what to the water elemental guy?

Too late to stop now.

In the streetlights’ illumination, I could see Travis, Jaclyn, and Cassie standing in the street. All of them were up to their knees in white stuff that reminded me of shaving cream or possibly meringue.
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In the Public Eye: Part 42

Kids don’t really know adults. What I remembered of Jaclyn’s grandfather from the picnics was a man who spent a lot more time laughing, telling funny stories, and coaxing me into racing Jaclyn. I think I only ever won one race. He gave me a forty-nine foot head start out of fifty feet and even then it was a near thing.

As a crimefighter though, he had the old school, “fight the criminals, and run from the cops” approach.
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In the Public Eye: Part 41

As I ran toward the table in the middle of the main room, I wondered just what else putting HQ on high security did. What if it sent an alert to other hero groups? I didn’t feel like explaining all this to Guardian or the Midwest Defenders.

Glancing at the screen, I saw Travis, Haley, Marcus and Cassie crouched at the forest entrance, in costume and looking nervous.
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In the Public Eye: Part 40

Wind blew out of the tunnel, rattling parts in their boxes and tools hanging the walls. In the middle of it, I could see the hazy shape of the girl. I wondered what effect the sonics would have on her. Would sound do nothing or would it disrupt whatever connected her to herself in that form?

I didn’t want to kill her, so I decided not to think about it. She was Daniel’s problem.

“She’s kind of… dispersed mentally,” he said, “but I can do this –“

The hazy form flattened as it hit an invisible wall, face, glasses and the back of her skull interpenetrating each other. She dissolved into a colored gas, reforming a few feet away as cloudy version of herself.
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In the Public Eye: Part 39

I punched the distress call.

Above us, scattered lights began to blink slowly red.

I looked up. “I didn’t know that happened.”

“Me neither,” Daniel said. “It looks like we’ve got a lot of dead bulbs.”

With that we got another round of phone calls — except we got one less. In addition to Vaughn, Jaclyn didn’t call back.
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In the Public Eye: Part 22

Sorry about how late this is. I aim for early Tuesday and I’ve actually managed early Wednesday. And the main reason I’ve managed to get it up now is that I couldn’t sleep.

Note to self: Do not drink two cups of tea before going to bed. You will regret it.

I should also mention an annoying thing. I’m probably not going to update on Friday. I’m going camping this weekend and I’m leaving on Thursday. I will be on track to update next Tuesday though.

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