Update up. It includes a lot of characters–some active, some in the background. I always find scenes like that challenging. It’s hard to give any characters the time they deserve.
Tag Archives: Jaclyn
Gathering: Part 3
I finished it last night and revised it a little this morning. You can look forward to finding three new characters, but still no cast page. Maybe I’ll get more done on that this weekend…
Gathering: Part 2
Some of you might have noticed that I changed the last installment’s title and made it the beginning of a new section of the story. I’ve even gotten a little way into writing a cast page. I haven’t made it public yet, however.
There are more characters than I’d have thought and I’m introducing a few more in the course of the next couple posts.
So, anyway… Another chunk of story. Continue reading Gathering: Part 2
Gathering: Part 1
What we’ve got here is the beginning of a scene that will be continued on Thursday or (much more likely) Friday. To be honest, I’ve mixed feelings about ending it where I do, but I’ve got to cut the scene somewhere. In the next post we’ll get a little more into the meat of things. In the meantime, I get to spill a teensy-tiny bit more about what the old League was like.
Lightning Strikes Twice: Part 1
As mentioned in my last post, I’m going to try to update twice rather than once weekly starting this month. It’ll happen on Tuesday and Thursday. If it turns out that I can make it regularly, I may try for three.
That being said, initially at least, it won’t be much different in terms of actual word count for the week.