Tag Archives: Martin Magnus

In the Public Eye: Part 52

The beam struck the floor in front of us and the carpet caught fire. Water slid forward and became a puddle, smothering it. Then he reverted into human-shaped water.

“Come any closer to me or my family and I’ll blast you,” Bouman said.

“Oh come on,” Daniel said. “This has nothing to do with your family. That has got to be one of the stupidest rationalizations I have ever heard. You’ve been manipulating people for ages and now you’re afraid to face the music. That’s the only reason you’re holding the gun.”
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In the Public Eye: Part 36

“Uh, hi?”

I stood on a corner a couple blocks from my house. The street was dark and music came from the house behind me. With all the windows shut, I couldn’t tell what kind except that it definitely included a bass drum. Cars lined the street in front of it. A man in a devil costume walked up to the front door and stepped inside.

I felt naked. My armor sat back in HQ and I wasn’t wearing the full stealth suit — just the part that could fit under clothes.
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In the Public Eye: Part 35

“OK,” I said, “I’ll take a look at the recording tonight and put something together for the local news.”

“Thanks, Nick,” Travis said, “Once we get this asshole off our backs, we can get back to fighting crime instead of other heroes. Which reminds me, how did you end up fighting Tomahawk anyway?”

I told him.

“Red Lightning’s lair? That’s unbelievable. You’ve got to take me down there.” Travis put down the Denali book and not, I noticed, on the pile. It was placed diagonally next to the pile.

Fighting an urge to pick it up and put it back, I said, “No reason you can’t go. Just talk to Vaughn. He let me and Haley in.”
Continue reading In the Public Eye: Part 35

In the Public Eye: Part 10

And we have an update…

Oh, for what it’s worth, I attended Penguicon on Saturday. It’s a convention that’s focused on science fiction and open source software. It’s worth going if you happen to be in the area and like either of the two. I went largely because a friend was on a couple panels, but had a good time. Randall Munroe of xkcd was every bit as amusing as you might expect.

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In the Public Eye: Part 5

I wrote earlier that I thought the next update would appear on Friday. Saturday is a lot like Friday except, of course, that it’s a completely different day.

Some people may have been wondering when I’d get back to finding out who was on the cellphone contact list of the guys who attacked Nick and Vaughn a couple arcs ago. Well, more or less now as it happens.

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