New post.
I appear to have become one of those people who updates the day after the official due date. This annoys me.
Finally, a post shows up. Imagine that…
And now that I’m going to do my second post of the week on Fridays, it’s only one day late, right?
And we have an update…
Oh, for what it’s worth, I attended Penguicon on Saturday. It’s a convention that’s focused on science fiction and open source software. It’s worth going if you happen to be in the area and like either of the two. I went largely because a friend was on a couple panels, but had a good time. Randall Munroe of xkcd was every bit as amusing as you might expect.
Sometimes I think that what I ought to do is change the projected posting days to Tuesday and Friday rather than Thursday. That way, if I post on Saturday it will only be a day late rather than two.
When I was in college, one of my friends inherited his grandparents’ Cadillac. After that, the police pulled him over with even the most minimal excuse. I’m guessing they thought he’d stolen it.
I’d been hoping to do this installment and the one that follows it in one post, but it went longer than I wanted…
My apologies for the lateness of this one. I’m not sure why it was as hard to finish as it was. I imagine it was some combination of my training schedule, my kids being home from school (spring break), and business related stuff.
I wrote earlier that I thought the next update would appear on Friday. Saturday is a lot like Friday except, of course, that it’s a completely different day.
Some people may have been wondering when I’d get back to finding out who was on the cellphone contact list of the guys who attacked Nick and Vaughn a couple arcs ago. Well, more or less now as it happens.
This update doesn’t have an obvious connection either to the setting of the last update or the action. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but it’s not a trend that will continue.