I should have written this last Friday, but I was waiting for the person who should have written a Legion of Nothing post to send me something. Unfortunately, it appears that that person stopped writing his serial without telling any of the serial writers in the swap.
This is unfortunate as Billy Higgins Peery was supposed to write for him, but didn’t get the chance.
So anyway, I thought I’d belatedly link to the swap list: http://forums.webfictionguide.com/topic/2016-april-fools-master-list
Also, the serial I wrote for: https://jaysonagonistes.wordpress.com/2016/03/31/chapter-ix-the-true-power/
And for that matter, Billy Higgins Peery’s serial because… Well, why not? https://megapulp.wordpress.com/a-bad-idea/
I’m sorry, I feel horrible for not riding herd like I did last year and letting this happen. I even had resources in place too swap out peopple, but I forgot to check on it. Next year, calendar alerts and regular communication!
Don’t worry about it too much. If I’d tried to email him earlier, I’d have known earlier.
I miss the Great Hippo and his serials.
Me too, but he seems to be doing well enough to respond when I email him.